Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Use Of Photoshop And Its Effect On Today s Society

Fictional Perfection The use of Photoshop is found in just about every image seen in the media today. Although Photoshop was originally intended for good uses, it has a negative effect on today’s society. Photographers and other artist use Photoshop to enhance the quality of their work, whereas, the media uses it to alter images beyond fictional standards. Photoshop can alter someone’s entire appearance, and basically create a whole new person. On a daily basis, we see a multitude of images of what is supposed to be â€Å"flawless perfection† through many different media sources. You can open any magazine today, and not one single image shown in unaltered. Every image has been changed in one way or another. This issue is directed more towards†¦show more content†¦The amount of people eighteen years or younger that went through plastic surgery increased between the years of 1997 and 2003, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Just in the year 1997 approximately sixty thousand teens transformed their bodies with surgery. That numbered skyrocketed to two hundred twenty-five thousand in 2003, just because teenagers wanted their bodies to be more acceptable (Photoshop Effect). The media is held most accountable for these actions. People have an issue of trying to recreate the perfection that they often see. This has become a major concern for our society today. The sad truth is that it is not just females whose ideas are affected by body imaging and photoshop. Males often are attracted to these â€Å"perfect† looks that they see. This also can lead to females becoming insecure from not feeling good enough for a male. Has photoshop gone too far? The real question to ask is, how far is too far? In my opinion, photoshop has gone beyond the line that should have never been crossed. It should have been created strictly for the purpose of enhancing photos to look more realistic and vivid than unrealistically fake. 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