Sunday, May 17, 2020

Analysis Of The Book The First Thanksgiving - 943 Words

The first Thanksgiving was a feast after the first harvest; The Native American Wapanog tribe taught the first settlers to cultivate vital crops and sustain off the land1. Thanksgiving is an American holiday that values this union and cooperation between immigrant groups; the term â€Å"Native Americans† designates the very first immigrants2. The influx of immigrants gave birth, shaped, and developed American society. But immigrant groups, in modern context, have been politically and socially exploited. This may not have been as extreme as colonization, slavery, or exclusion, but a more discreet and covertly nativist ideology exists up to today: the fear of the rising immigrant population demoting White-Americans to a minority3.The view that immigrants were detrimental to society was expressed in the publication of many historical political cartoons. Thomas Nast and G.F. Keller both express their views that condemn and support this xenophobic culture, respectively; Nast utili zed labeling while Keller, irony. The use of the analogy of Thanksgiving, in addition to other techniques, expresses the differing views on immigrants, and whether or not they should be accepted and treated equally in American society. The cartoon â€Å"Uncle Sam’s Thanksgiving Dinner† by Thomas Nast published in 1869 expresses the benefit of including immigrant populations into American society. At the time, Chinese immigrants were utilized for their cheap labor: allowing for the completion of the FirstShow MoreRelatedReality and The Five Senses999 Words   |  4 Pagesrestrict reality and define it only using their five senses. Yet, this argument fails when it comes to explaining feelings that other people have experienced. This can be seen in the book, Swamplandia, when one tries to analyze the reality of Ossie’s world and the people in it. 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