Monday, April 20, 2020

Tata Motors Hbr Case Profitability of the Nano Essay Example

Tata Motors Hbr Case Profitability of the Nano Essay Memorandum To Chairman, Tata Motors Ltd Issue Profitable Production of the Nano Issues A primary issue Tata must consider is the current and future profitability of the Nano. In order to determine if their strategy of entering the small car market is feasible, the influences on the industry must be evaluated. If evaluation of the industry indicates that future profitability is in question, the company must consider canceling the project, or focus on areas where Tata can influence the industry to improve the likelihood of profitability. Analysis Profitability/Feasibility One must consider the sensitivity to prices and the affordability of the car to the primary target market (India). Case Exhibit 3 estimates that 21% of households have income levels high enough to be considered part of the target market (ie: families that may own a motorcycle or small car), with almost all (98%) residing in the $4000-$10000 income bracket. Even at low gros margins, the Nano would be 22% of household income for those families that make $10000 annual income. Although 40 million households are estimated to be in the $4K $10K income bracket, it can be expected that a small number of these will be earning $10,000. Therefore, the target market can be considered greatly reduced, and their price sensitivities very high. However, as discussed, it can be assumed that these households already have a motorcycle, and approx 2 million could switch to a cheap car. In the analysis of Case Exhibit 6 there is no reference to Labour or SGA costs for the Nano. We will write a custom essay sample on Tata Motors Hbr Case Profitability of the Nano specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Tata Motors Hbr Case Profitability of the Nano specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Tata Motors Hbr Case Profitability of the Nano specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer When these are estimated (general and admin costs assumed to be negligible due to Tata’s current operations of vehicle production), the cost of the Nano rises to a point where $2200 (USD) per unit price will not be profitable. If the 24% Post Manufacturing Tax remains (p. 18), a promotional budget is included (assumed to be 20% of per-unit sales up to first 250,000 units), and labour cost/unit is included (Appendix Exhibit 1), the sale price of the Nano must rise to approximately $2600USD (Appendix Exhibit 2). Also, current profitability is a poor indicator for future profitability. A rise in raw material price will mean a rise in price of supplies (eg: steel). The already near-zero profit margins will diminish without an increase in selling price. Industry/Strategy Tata is entering a new market, and a careful analysis of the competitive forces in India must be carried out (see Appendix Exhibit 3 – Porter’s Five Forces). Considering rivalry, Tata is the leader on price. This gives them a very important competitive advantage in a highly price-sensitive market. Although market share has large potential for increasing, the threat of new entrants increases the rivalry over the coming years. The advantage for Tata lies in sourcing low-cost inputs through a unique supply chain. The supply chain is supported by inputs from suppliers in close proximity to the Tata facility, and is characterized by a high number of suppliers competing with one another for the Tata business. There are many input substitutes available with a relatively low purchasing cost. This places Tata in a strong position over suppliers and allows them to manufacture cars at a low cost. The competitive force of the buyer can be considered low for the Indian market. Since the Nano will be the cheapest car available, it may be the only option for many car buyers and there will be few substitutes available until foreign competitors can establish a similar low-cost structure. The buyer gains leverage with very high price sensitivity, essentially in the form of affordability. The barriers to entry are in favour of Tata. They can realize economies of scale in terms of increasing their capacity for vehicle production, their efforts in promotion, labour and material inputs, and distribution facilities. These will be difficult barriers to overcome for new entrants, and high (or increasing) average costs may keep competitors from entering. The government taxation policy also serves as a barrier to profitability for manufacturers. A high threat of substitutes will be a competitive force against Tata, as consumers opt for the popular and cheaper options of motorcycles or public transit. In terms of car substitutes, however, Tata has the advantage of lowest cost. Ethical Considerations An ethical consideration is whether Tata’s values are in the right place and, if so, are they truthful? The Chairman proclaims the Nano is â€Å"the people’s car†. However, will an increase in cars really have a positive effect on the productivity and quality of life of the average Indian? Despite the Nano’s low emissions, pollution will increase with a dramatic increase in cars. Also, congestion will have a negative impact on urban centres, and the quality of the car is not suitable for rural roads. If the Chairman’s values really are with the interests of the people, the resources for the Nano could be redirected to efforts in improving infrastructure and mass transit systems. Recommendations Based on the assessment of current and future profitability, I am recommending Tata move forward with production, but maintain as narrow a margin as possible to establish early market penetration and brand equity. The goal of $2200USD selling price is unprofitable and unrealistic. Even at the selling prices described in Appendix Table 2, Tata will still be the leader in cost competitiveness. They should therefore implement a higher selling price. As was described in the competitive forces model, Tata must retain its â€Å"First Mover† position. To accomplish this, Tata needs to continue to keep their suppliers in a technology development and low-cost race, and ensure an increase in car manufacturers does not provide the suppliers with greater competitive force. Finally, international market share is a requirement, as the Indian market will quickly become diluted. Tata can distribute in their currently occupied markets of Southern and Eastern Europe, and can also use this opportunity to raise prices to increase margins to cover the narrow margins in India. Before Tata can establish itself in other developing countries, the profitability of the business model must first be proven in its home country. Word Count: 1012 Exhibit 1 |Labour Costs / Car | |Cars per year |250000 | |Number of Employees |2000 | |Employees as Percentage of Cars Produced |0. % | |Average Employee Salary | $5,500. 00 | |cars / employee / year |125 | |Labour Costs / Car | $44 | Exhibit 2 Nano Costs (adapted from Case Exhibit 6 Making the Nano)-in USD |24% Post Man Tax |16% Post Man Tax | |(INR:USD=45:1) | | | |Total Parts / Supplies | $1,477 | $1,477 | |Labour / Car |$44 |$44 | |Post Manufacturing Tax | $533 | $355 | |Sales Tax $89 | $89 | |Total Variable Cost per Unit | $2,144 | $1,965 | |SGA / Car (20% of Costs per Unit) | $429 | $429 | |Total Unit Cost | $2,572 | $2,394 | |Selling Price (Gros Margin Target 5. 5%) | $2,714 | $2,526 | |Selling Price (Gros Margin Target 2. 5%) | $2,637 | $2,454 | Exhibit 3 [pic]

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