Friday, February 28, 2020

Is the World Flat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Is the World Flat - Essay Example Friedman further enunciated that flattening of world took place just at the dawn of twenty first century. Globalization is an imperative feature of political and economic discourse as it has paved the way to spread thoughts as wild fire, leaping borders and now information is not confined to industrial world. According to Friedman (2005), globalization has its success and discontents and thus improvise one think that The World Is Flat! However, such views find little support from authors like Ghemawat (2007), Florida (2005, October) and Christopherson et al. (2008). The World Isn’t Flat! According to Ghemawat, one cannot consider the world to be flat, in fact, only 10-25 percent of all economic activities is international or global while remaining are regional, further he affirms the failure of globalization theories in terms of geographical and cultural factors, if there is 1 percent raise in geographic distance the trade between the two locations will diminish by 1 percent. Further, Ghemawat enunciated that countries with a common language share42 percent more trade compared to dissimilar culture while common currency potentially enhances the trade by 114 percent (Shermer, 2011; Ghemawat, 2007). Considering the views of Ghemawat, it is true in real sense if an analysis is carried out the globalization has actually created peaks and valleys in every aspect of life, not only globalization is confined to peaks as depicted by Florida (2005), but the work force, facilities, infrastructure, development, access to fast track of development it is all confined to peaks while the valleys are still deprived of all the latest avenues (Fox, 2014). Migration of mass is towards developed and better prospects which resulted in clustering of resources, progress, amenities and opportunities at particular provinces. Florida (2005) has categorized these peaks in terms of population (the talent or skill), light emission (the economic activity), patents (the innovations) and

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT - Essay Example As a far as being and achiever is concerned, I consider myself one since I see life as a set of goals that need to be fulfilled and as such whenever I complete a task I feel that I have achieved something no matter how small. Lastly, I am a restorer because I always derive pleasure and satisfaction from patching things, situations and even people. This is influenced by my positivism since whenever I come across a situation that could be made better; I almost always try my utmost to remedy it. While the test may have indicated that am an includer, I do not think that is very descriptive of me since I tend to prefer to run projects on my own rather than as part of a team. While I do include people in them, when it comes to their management, I end up trying to be the one to run point because I am a bit of a perfectionist. In the past, teachers and even friends have been full of praise about my positivism, I remember one of my teacher once told me that my glass is always half full and I should influence my colleagues to be as positive. Whenever my siblings or friends are stressed, sometimes by academics or life issues such as relationship they often seek me out since they know I will help them see the best in such situations. This has also been very useful to me personally since, as a student, I frequently used my positivism to motivate myself to take on complicated projects that others did not want to tackle. I often view challenges as opportunities to make myself a better person rather than inconvenient situations that should be avoided. As a result, I have found myself exceling and standing out, not because I am better than others are but because I am willing to try what they refuse to handle. Being an achiever as well as a positivist is often instrumental in helping one achieve success in most of the things they set out to do (Clear). In many cases, I make small short term goals which I gradually and consistently work on combining the small