Monday, December 30, 2019

Ethical Decision Making Business Ethics And Social...

Ethical Decision-Making De’Ambre Zanders OMM640: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (MOH1616A) Instructor: Dr. Maja Zelihic May 1, 2016 Abstract In any type of business, ethical decision-making is usually at the forefront of company operations. It shapes the foundation of a company and gives employees a moral compass as to what is expected of them ethically. Ethical-decision making prevents individuals from profiting from their own personal methods, while representing the company as a whole. There has been several cases where an individual of an establishment has gone against the company’s moral scale for their own benefit and ended up costing the company tons of money, or even worst circumstances, has caused a company to go bankrupt. After reading about Bill Daniels and his groundbreaking insurance story in Chapter 5 of Gonzalez-Padron (2015), it was obvious that Daniels displayed a great example of an ethical decision-making, as moral reasoning was his company’s entire foundation. This paper will describe the ethical tradition Bill used to save his own business, the approach he used to do so, factors that coul d motivate someone to develop higher stages of moral reasoning, and others who demonstrate dissimilar ethic styles. In any type of business, ethical decision-making is usually at the forefront of company operations. It shapes the foundation of a company and gives employees a moral compass as to what is expected of themShow MoreRelatedCorporate Ethics And Social Responsibility1528 Words   |  7 Pages Corporate Ethics and Social Responsibility Amanda Rabius PHL/320 10/9/17 Hank Reeves â€Æ' Corporate Ethics and Social Responsibility Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in the corporate world are very important. By understanding business ethics and socially responsibility, companies can develop and implement a socially responsible plan. Organizations are no doubt an assembly line of different networks that are both complex and dynamic in nature which face various conflicts. With this, a qualitativeRead MoreBusiness Ethics and Social Responsibility Essay1471 Words   |  6 PagesEthics in the workplace help the organization to grow and prosper. They bring about leadership, work culture and literacy. Ethic are beliefs about what’s right or wrong and good or bad based on individual’s values and morals, plus a behavior social context. Ethical behavior conforms to individual beliefs and social norms about what’s right and good. Unethical behavior conforms to individual beliefs and social norms about what’s wrong or bad. Business ethics refers to ethical or unethical behaviorRead More The Difference Between Professionalism And Ethics1590 Words   |  7 PagesThe difference between professionalism and ethics is professionalism talks about staying professional within your business and always staying up to par about what is going on within a business. Ethics talks about the study of decisions and moral judgment. Ethics is the study of what should be, what is the ultimate good and how to achieve it. People have always thought that the primary purpose of business is to serve society. Business must have a society commitment otherwise businesses cannot enjoyRead MoreMaking A Business Decision For Any Ceo Essay1130 Words   |  5 PagesMaking a business decision for any CEO is easy, the main principle is to keep the shareholders happy by generating more revenue. The more money a company earns the more attractive it looks to the potential investor. Now, from history, we have learned that every CEO is not created equal and some use bad business practices to earn more rev enue. So, laws were created to set guidelines, companies started to use risk assessment to see if a decision would lead to any legal recourse that would make themRead MoreEthics and Decision Making1334 Words   |  6 PagesCHAPTER I WHAT IS ETHICS? - Each society form a set of rules that establishes the boundaries of general accepted behavior. These rules are often expressed in statements about how people should behave, and they fit together to form the MORAL CODE by which a society lives. - The term MORALITY refers to a social conventions about right and wrong that are so widely shared that they become the basis for an established consensus. DEFINITION OF ETHICS: ETHICS – is a set of beliefs about right andRead MoreEffective Ethics and Ethical Behavior1468 Words   |  6 PagesEffective ethics and ethical behavior Memorandum and Report Carol Harris TO: Rebecca M. Melton, ABC Toy Co. CEO FROM: Carol Harris, Elementary Division Manager, ABC Toy Co. DATE: 6/5/11 SUBJECT: Product quality issue and a report on ethical decision making. This memo addresses a product quality issue with a whistle included in our toy collection. I have included a report on the importance of ethical decision makingRead MoreThe Ethics Of Business Ethics1064 Words   |  5 Pages    Business Ethics Ethics can be viewed as the rules and values that determine goals and actions people should follow when dealing with other human beings. However, business ethics can be defined as moral principles of a business. It examines moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. Generally, it has both normative and descriptive dimensions. Organization practice and career specialization are regarded as normative whereas academics attempting to understand business behaviourRead MoreImportance Of Business Ethics On Previous And Current Literature Essay1459 Words   |  6 PagesImportance of business ethics in previous and current literature Previous Methodologies used for Studying Business Ethics Majority of the literature reviewed relied heavily on questionnaires and surveys as the chosen methodology. According to Rowley (2014), questionnaires are the â€Å"most widely used means of collecting data† (p. 308). However, when designing a questionnaire or survey researchers should consider the type of questions being used, sensitivity of questions asked, content and lengthRead MoreEthics And Corporate Social Responsibility1637 Words   |  7 Pagescontributed to Managing Sustainability: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in the post-bureaucratic era. â€Å"Leadership is the process of directing, controlling, motivating and inspiring staff toward the realization of stated organizational goals† (Clegg, S.R. Kornberger, M. Pitsis. 2011, p.126.) Leadership in the post-bureaucratic era is essential for the success of a company, and also plays part into the Sustainability of Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility for an enterprise. In this essayRead MoreA Handbook to Simplify Ethical and Moral Leadership Essay examples1176 Words   |  5 Pagesdemonstrated your abilities and expertise to guide and enhance the successful outcomes of a business. Leadership behavior is not only based on knowledge and expertise, it is an expectation that leaders understand the vision and core values that guide moral and ethical leadership at all times. Although morals and ethics are synonymous for the most part, the terms are distinguishable. Simply put, ethics is determinant of acceptable guidelines for behavior of a group or organization while morals

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The American Dream Must Have Been A Dream After All Essay

Park Avenue, on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, is one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in all of New York City, home to the ultra rich, the top tier of the American upper class, the 1% (Park Avenue). Those who reside in Park Avenue not only have vast amounts of wealth, but an immense amount of influence that has turned the tables in their favor. But, if you go a couple of miles North of Park Avenue and cross the Harlem river, you arrive at the other side of Park Avenue or otherwise known as the Bronx, one of the poorest districts in all of New York (Park Avenue). Here you see the real hardships average Americans must voyage through in order to put food on the table and provide shelter for their families. 40% of the 700,000 residents who†¦show more content†¦But in todays America, what are the chances of someone living on the poor side of Park Avenue, end up living on the rich side of Park Avenue? Money is the supreme power of the world. Its immeasurable power and limitl ess influence has hacked into our society today, ruining our political democracy, our capitalistic economy, and our chances at achieving the American Dream. Money is handled differently between the rich and the poor. Money in the hands of the poor is spent on essential items necessary for survival, and since money is not abundant in the hands of the poor, every single penny is cherished as a gift from God. However in the hands of the rich, money is used to acquire more money. The urge to succumb to greed influences the rich to use any and all means necessary to grow their wealth, to grow their power, to grow their long lasting influence. We look up to the rich with awe for their ability to achieve the American Dream, but what we are blindfolded from seeing is the true rise to stardom, their true pathway to success. Not all, but some have achieved the American Dream through immoral acts and satanic deeds, swindling the desired ones from their exit of poverty or their chance to enter into reality. In the end of The Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald revealed to us the true Jay Gatsby. Fitzgerald teaches us that not all people achieve the American Dream immorally, giving the example of Jay GatsbyShow MoreRelated Time1677 Words   |  7 Pagesvulnerable as a dream stand against the slow but steady stream of time, that beats like particles of sand against the bottom of an hourglass? For a dream to continue to nourish the minds of the masses generation after generation, it must adapt--change to better fit the new circumstances that a change in time invariably evokes. But as a dream changes, is it as pure, as innocent, and as high-minded as it once was? Could the American dream, which has hereto defined the very spirit of the era, have lost itsRead MoreThe American Dream1096 Words   |  5 PagesIf the American Dream is defined as owning a house, like one of those two-story, four-bedroom, and white picket fence houses, or even a one -story, two-bedroom, chain-fenced yard, then no, I could not say with a strong conviction that this the dream that exists in the hearts of all Millenials. Although the idea of one day owning land that is your very own is quite appealing, most Millennials these days would be happy to live out their entire lives in an apartment or condo. The truth of the matterRead MoreEssay on Climbing the Ladder Analysis817 Words   |  4 PagesClimbing the Ladder Analysis For generations, the American Dream has continued to stand as a vision that so many people have strived for in America. It is what attracts countless foreigners to come to the U.S and what also keeps them there. All these people are filled with ongoing motivation to eventually reach this dream. Yet, the Dream and its steps to success are not a definite list. In fact, the very idea of how to achieve such a dream has been debated for generations. Andrew Carnegie, a famousRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald893 Words   |  4 Pageshis dream in the midst of the prohibition. The story is told from the perspective of the narrator, Nick Carraway. Nick recounts the summer he spent with Gatsby as Gatsby tries to attain the American Dream, which he has personified in his past love, Daisy Buchanan. Fitzgerald presents two contrasting responses to the American Dream through his characterization of Nick as cynical and Gatsby as hopeful. Nick’s cynical response to Gatsby’s meeting with Daisy shows Nick’s response to the American dreamRead MoreAmerican Dreams And The American Dream1728 Words   |  7 PagesAmericans have been dreaming since the Mayflower arrived in the New World and the American Dream itself has withstood threats up until this very day to all of its internal characteristics: international peace, health, leadership, wealth, supremacy, and equality. H.W. Brands states in his book American Dreams that â€Å"Americans had dreamed since our national birth, and in the twenty-first century we are dreaming still†. Both Brands’ story and Nathaniel Philbrick’s account in Mayflower assist significantlyRead MoreThe Importance Of The American Dream1321 Words   |  6 PagesFormer First Lady, Michelle Obama, eloquently summarized the American Dream at the Democratic National Convention in 2012. â€Å"Barack knows the American Dream because hes lived it...and he wants eve ryone in this country to have that same opportunity, no matter who we are, or where were from, or what we look like, or who we love. And he believes that when youve worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of do not slam it shut behind reach back, and youRead MoreThe American Dream is Built on Family Bonds Essay1305 Words   |  6 Pages The American Dream is a concept that is essentially older than the United States, dating back to the seventeenth century. It was then when people began to come up with hopes and aspirations for the newly discovered, unexplored continent. The â€Å"American Dream† is in essence the idea in that puts forward the notion that all people can succeed through hard work, that all people have the right to the pursuit of happiness, and be successful. The definition of the American Dream has been expanded uponRead More Gatsby and the American Dream Essay1636 Words   |  7 PagesThe American Dream is what we all aspire to achieve. The idea of starting off with nothing and to become something has caused millions of people from all corners of the world to immigrate to this country for over 300 years. However, what exactly is the American Dream? F Scott Fitzgerald answers this question within his novel The Great Gatsby. Through the eyes of Nick Carraway, Fitzgerald analyses the high class of the 1920s and reveals that the American Dream has been distorted from a pure idealRead MoreThe American Dream1089 Words   |  5 PagesThe American Dream, the dream of opportunity, the chance to carve out the life most desired and most prosperous for the individual. This dream, the once great aspiration for all red white and blue ruffians regardless of background- racial or economical- has always existed with a degree of falsehood- at least for the majority of Americans. In times of great crisis it has been rallied behind, serving the communal need to move forward for something, anything . But des pite protecting it, from harsh wintersRead MoreThe Dream : An Achievable Goal Of The American Dream877 Words   |  4 PagesThe term â€Å"American Dream†, popularized by a freelance writer by the name of James Truslow Adams in 1931, is used to describe the idea that the United States is the land of prosperity, which any man can work hard and gain wealth and happiness without the fear of a controlling government. It is thought that the everyone has equal opportunities and can become successful as they please, as long as they work for it. The American dream is more of a goal that every American, or someone who wants to be American

Friday, December 13, 2019

World War I and World War II Free Essays

The period after World War I and World War II, this was approximately during the years 1919 to 1944, and after 1946, various sentiments appeared ranging from loss, death, suffering, happy to be alive and family reunions.   Since people are still experiencing the aftermath of the war, poets and authors alike were also feeling the fever. Rupert Brooke was well known for his war poems that vividly described what he saw, relating the fear and devastation he felt while fighting in the battlefield. We will write a custom essay sample on World War I and World War II or any similar topic only for you Order Now Fiction novelist D.H. Laurence, poetess Edna St. Vincent Millay and Robert Frost became well known for their works that includes Women in Love, A Few Figs from Thistles and a   Pulitzer Award Winning collection of poems, respectively. However, other authors like John Hall Wheelock began publishing The Liberator, a weekly journal of criticizing the current society radically, where he soon became affiliated with the communist party. There were some who were not contented with the result of the war and went on to protest through their writings. Filling up the people’s mind with â€Å"what if† questions, and â€Å"if this was what they want†. This somehow changed the people’s view and a mixture of reactions was raised against their current situation. For example in the aftermath of World War II, a wave of sympathy was given to the holocaust survivors, while others, still, believed in Hitler’s ideology. From this event, numerous autobiographical accounts were published, the famous of which was The Diary of Anne Frank. Nonetheless, the conflict that arose from this era was that people became too sensitive in what was written down in journals, poems, stories or even in any articles. Such sensitivity was somehow dreadful for the literature world since authors did not have the liberty anymore to write anything out of topic and was not able to deviate from the current issues that were going on at that time. Works Cited Online Focus. War Poets. A Newshour with Jim Lehrer Transcript. February 17, 2003. November 5, 2007. World Chronology(1919, 1920). Answers.Com Website. November 5, 2007.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Between The Covers Rare Books, Inc. Website. November 5, 2007.    How to cite World War I and World War II, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ninoy Aquino free essay sample

Benigno â€Å"Ninoy† S. Aquino Jr. (Nov. 27, 1932-Aug. 21, 1983) I. Background Benigno Aquino of the Philippines was a leading opponent of the rule of President Ferdinand Marcos (1917–1989), who governed the Philippines from 1966 to 1986. Aquinos opposition ended in August 1983 when, after living in the United States for three years, he returned to the Philippine capital of Manila and was assassinated (killed) at the airport. Aquinos death touched off massive demonstrations against President Marcos. Youthful accomplishments Benigno Ninoy Aquino was born on November 27, 1932, in Tarlac Province, on the island of Luzon, to a prominent family. He was the grandson of a general and the son of a Philippine senator who was also a wealthy landowner. His ambition and energy stood out early when, at age seventeen, he was sent by the Manila Times newspaper to report on the Korean War (1950–53). The war was between the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea) and the Republic of Korea (South Korea), and was a war in which the United States and China eventually joined. We will write a custom essay sample on Ninoy Aquino or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page At age twenty-two Aquino became the Philippines youngest mayor in his home-town of Concepcion. Just six years later he became governor of Tarlac province (a position similar to governing a state). In 1967 Aquino once again made history when he became the youngest senator ever elected in the Philippines. Meanwhile he married Corazon Cojoangco, with whom he eventually raised five children. II. Highlight A fallen leader Aquino became famous for his gifts as a public speaker and for his brilliant mind, as well as his great ambition. He became the leading candidate for the presidency in 1973, when President Marcos was scheduled to leave office after completing the maximum two terms as president. Aquinos ambition to be president was never realized, however, because President Marcos declared martial law (a state of emergency in which military authorities are given temporary rule). At the same time Marcos dissolved the constitution, claiming supreme power and jailing his political opponents, including Aquino. Aquino was charged with murder, subversion (intention to undermine legal authority), and illegal possession of firearms. Although he denied the charges, Aquino was found guilty and was convicted by a military tribunal, or military court, and spent over seven years in prison. In 1980 he was allowed to go to the United States for a heart bypass operation. He remained in the United States as a refugee until returning to the Philippines in 1983. Upon arriving at the Manila airport he was shot and killed. Following the assassination President Marcos was pressured to appoint a five-person, politically neutral investigative board, led by Judge Corazon Agrava. Marcos and the military stated that a lone gunman who had been hired by the Communist Party had carried out the assassination. The alleged gunman, who had been shot at the airport immediately following the shooting of Aquino, could not be cross-examined. The military carried out its own investigation, and reported that no military personnel were involved in the death. The official commissions majority report found that Aquino was not slain by the alleged gunman, as Marcos and the military claimed, but was the victim of a criminal conspiracy by the military led by General Fabian C. Ver, who was the armed forces chief of staff. He was also a close friend and cousin of President Marcos. The commissions findings were astonishing, although from the beginning most Filipinos doubted the official version of the assassination. No proof was ever presented that directly showed Marcos was involved, but almost no one in the Philippines believed that military generals would order the execution of Aquino on their own. Those who suspected Marcoss involvement noted that Aquino posed a threat as someone who might unite the opposition and who had been the presidents main rival for decades. III. Lesson Aquinos legacy As it turned out the democratic opposition to Marcos was strongest after its leaders death. As Marcos lost the trust of his people, the Philippine economy also fell apart. By 1985 the nation was in political and economic chaos, with Marcos under attack by the press and by the strengthened political opposition, which did well in elections. In December 1985 the court proclaimed that General Ver and the others charged with Aquinos murder were not guilty. Marcos promptly returned Ver to his former position. Popular unrest with Marcoss rule grew steadily, however. Within weeks a political movement formed around Aquinos widow, Corazon. She was elected president of the Philippines in 1986, unseating Marcos. Reference: http://www. notablebiographies. com/An-Ba/Aquino-Benigno. html